Studio Art Practice One
" a day in the life of ..."
"Allure - before and after" |
This year I have concentrated on issues springing from diabetes - I have been intrigued by the waste products such as needle caps and insulin canisters. Fifteen years ago, art which included imagery like needles wouldn't have been accepted by the public because of all the social stigmas that are related to needles (such as the heroin culture). It's sad but some people still think like that. Since I was diagnosed in the middle of last year, I have been on a rollercoaster of emotions trying to come to terms with this condition. It's a little like the grieving process you go through when you lose someone you love - I still grieve my lost health. I will never have a fully functioning body again, but at least I'm alive! Even 70 years ago, a child, teenager or adult diagnosed with insulin dependant diabetes would have died within a matter of months. And as for diagnosing non-insulin dependant diabetes.... ha! I will not die from diabetes, I may die from complications arising from the condition - however there is the also the possiblity I'll be in a fatal car crash this afternoon. When your time comes... it comes! So instead of making art where I'm pitying myself and other diabetics - I'd rather focus on the control I have over my life by using lifesaving devices such as a glucometre (which measures blood sugar) and insulin.
I'm also concerned with issues of beauty in my art practice - I consider myself to have derived my principles from feminism. (Every woman has - don't take your career for granted ladies! And oops, by the way you vote too!) These are just really experimental pieces, the allure one is one I'm pretty proud of... I feel that I may take it further in my next semester. |
All this incredible creativity was done at Queensland University of Technology.