At Your Service Madamoiselles!

Please dear sisters,
If you're having trouble floating
If you're swallowing water
Grab me, push me under
I'm your life raft

Realise that I'd do anything
To save you
So you'll never have to hold your breath
I will gladly turn blue for you

Take gulps of air
It's your God given right
And it's my pre-ordained
To look after you

I'm not even a strong swimmer
But I'll tread the water
Against the tide
And I'll watch for
The rips

But if we get caught
And you feel you're being
Pulled towards the worst
Grab me, push me under
Head ashore

When I'm left gasping
The foamy water lapping my shoulders
I will not hold my breath
Until you thank me

('cause you've already made tracks in the sand
towards the lifesaver's tower)

